During the Annual Brotherhood Meeting at Sigma Nu National Headquarters, there were 22 brothers in attendance. At that meeting a vote was take and passed for the Snake Reunion members to become part of and to officially establish the Eta Beta Alumni Association. While our reunions will remain known as the Snake Reunion, our formal name will become the Eta Beta Alumni Association, once bylaws are adopted. What has been the High Council of the Snake Reunion, by name, will become the Eta Beta Alumni Association Board. However, don't worry, our next reunion will be a "Snake Reunion" since we are the "snakes from East Carolina" and in 2012 we will hold the 5th Annual Snake Reunion in Greenville, home of East Carolina, where it all started over 50 years ago. So plan on participating is SR #5 in 2012.
All brothers participating the the Brotherhood meeting were prsented a 50 year pin by Todd Denson. Those who did not attend may order a 50 year pin from National for the standard fee.