Snake Reunion 3 (SR-3) was concluded on the evening of May 6, with a reception and dinner at the Brasa Brazilion Steak House at Brier Creek, same location as the banquet for SR-1, in 2008. We are regreted that a number of SR-3 participants were unable to stay for the banquet for a variety of reasons but we were pleased to have a few new folks, too. For example, Ray Oliver and Graham Dozier, along with guest and KA, Reggie Matthews (a friend of Sigma Nu) were with us. We expected a Lamda Chi, too but he and his bride of several seasons didn't show.
A great time was had by all who participated and the High Council will expect numbers greater than ever next year for our 2010 Reunion or SR-4.
Watch for a report from Millard Maloney, soon to be posted on this website and tell our brothers and friends of Sigma Nu to stay tuned to "Snake Reunion" at 'cause things are happening among the Snakes of East Carolina.