The 2010 Snake Reunion (SR-3) business meeting was held at the Sheraton Imperial on Thursday, May 6, followed by a luncheon there. During the sesson Sigma Nu and Kappa Sigma Nu reunion participants got to tell others about themselves and their activities. Also, Brad Hastings of the Sigma Nu Educational Foundation spoke to the group and upon a vote of those in attendance Snake Reunion participants voted to establish an Eta Beta Alumni Chapter. Once that is accomplished an effort will be made, utilizing alumni, to re-establish the Eta Beta Chapter of Sigma Nu on the campus of East Carolina University.
Also, two new members were elected to the Snake Reunion High Council. They are Ray Oliver and Tom Glass. Both are Eta Betas who were initiated after the First Charter group.
The role of those Kappa Sigma Nu Colony members who never had a chance to be initiated as Sigma Nu brothers, but who played an important role in establishing the Sigma Nu chapter was discussed. It was pointed out to Brad Hastings of National that a method should be devised by the Fraternity to allow such Colony members to become active and recognized members of the Eta Bets Alumni Chapter. Further, it was requested that National look at a procedure for any Colony member who, for whatever reasonable reason could not be initiated into the Fraternity be allowed to be part of their subsequent alumni chapter. Brad agreed to discuss that issue with Sigma Nu Officials. Discussion also took place about the possibility of having a future reunion in Lexington, Va, home of Sigma Nu and in Greenville (or G-Vegas) in conjunction with the University and a game weekend. Other locations were discussed and all options were left on the table for future consideration. Jim Stout made a pitch to host a reunion meeting in Lexington and promised that brothers in that area would work to make it a success. There was much interest in both Lexington and Greenville locations.
Below are several slide presentations of photos from both the business meeting and the luncheon. Note that more wives and "friends of Sigma Nu" participated in SR-3 than previously.