Friday, September 13, many of us had an early breakfast at the WINGATE INN after a fun and casual dress gathering at the Greeville Country Club the night before. Following breakfast many went on a tour of the East Carolina Campus including the UBE (University Book Exchange).
Meanwhile, Danny "Boone" Wood and Millard Maloney made a $1000 scholarship to the Ray Martinez Scholarshp Endowment, to assist with scholarships to swimmers through that endowment. (Note, $1,000 is not enough for one full scholarship but the Eta Beta Alumni Association-Snake Reunion dollars do go specifically go into the endowment fund to specifically help fund those swimmer scholarships.)
So be sure to give or donate in the future. After all, the Best Records (still unbrokern) were the All American Winner years that were dominated by Sigma Nu swimmers. Jack McCain was present for the silent auction and next year we expect to have Jeff Faucette there. In a couple of photos below you see Millard and Boone making that presentation to ECU's Matt Maloney (no relation to MM). The presentation was originally scheduled to be made at the Annual Brotherhood Meeting but after the appointment to receive the scholarship, our schedule was slightly changed so it was presented at the time originally scheduled.
Then on Friday night after the banquet we concluded the silent auction and began our efforts to collect for next year's scholarship donation.
In the first slide presentation below you'll see the Friday morning photos. In the second you'll see photos from the Alumni Association-Snake Reunion Banquet.
(Note this page is still under construction. We have asked others to submit their photos to as soon as possible.)
Eta Beta Alumni & Snake Reunion Banquet 9-13-2013 |
Here are our initial photos from the SR #6 Banquet. What a great time we had at the Greenville Country Club and what a great prime rib dinner, with all the trimings. Those who missed it should have been there.
During the event, followind dinner we "called out" the name of each Brother, KSN Brother and Bull Pledge on the Sigma Nu-Kappa Sigma Nu roster who has passed away since Sigma Nu was initially established at ECU. Three of our Brothers had passed away since our last reunion in 2012.
And too, the silent auction went well. Lots of geat buys. "Boone" didn't mess around. When he got an offer and another one didn't follow, he shouted "Sold." So there were a lot of great buys. Then it was back to the Snake Hospitality Room back at the Wingate. Like we said, "You should have been there."
We hope others will forward us their photos from SR # 6. Also, note this is a long slide show. Take time to enjoy them. You'll see we had some new faces this year.