Snake Reunion # 8 and the 2015 Eta Beta Alumni Association Annual Meeting are now history...but great history for Sigma Nu and ECU. We were expecting to learn that both ECU and Sigma Nu would approve a new Eta Beta Colony at ECU for 2016 and that has now been confirmed as of September 30, 2015. Yes, the Snakes are returning to the ECU campus.
ECU whipped up on VT in a game they were predicted to lose by 10 points. Instead it was ECU 35 and VT 28, after being 14 points behind early in the first quarter.
The reception on Thursday evening and our 8th SR banquet were grand events, enjoyed by all and the Hospitality Room at the Wingate was great throughout our stay.
A record number of Sigma Nu and Kappa Sigma Nu brothers attended the Annual Meeting where we heard from both ECU officials and Alex Taylor of Sigma Nu National. And too, we got to congratulate brother Jack McCann for being inducted into the ECU Sports Hall of Fame on Thursday evening. He was also introduced at half-time activities at the ECU-VT game.
Stay tuned for a series of photos that should be posted here this week and if you and yours have photos from SR #8 and the Alumni Association meeting please email them to T. Jerry Williams at for possible posting.
Also, we wanted you to know that Brother Ray Spears was named Alumni of the Year and Brother James Apple was presented the Madris Award for 2015. Brother Marc Sorenson, traveled the furtherest, flying in from California.
Congratulations are in order for Mike Cunningham, Jim Stout, Danny Wood, Ray Spears, Chip Mayo and others for making SR #8 a grand event. Sorry so many of of you missed it. Maybe next year. It will likely be scheduled after the Fall Rush so we can meet and interact with the new Eta Beta Colony Pledges.
Lastly, two brothers were involved in two seperate auto accidents this year during our reunion time frame. Brother Roddy Jones had the worst accident and is recovering from whip-lash. Brother Alvin "Lightning" Bennett and his wife were hit on the way to Greenville and the driver of the other car took off before the police could get there but was located.